Funeral Service

The thought of delivering a eulogy can feel overwhelming sometimes. There’s probably a lot you would like to say about the person you have lost, and you may also find it hard to speak about them without feeling emotional. Try to remember that it is natural to be upset, and that everybody at the funeral is there to encourage and comfort you. 

We’ve put this guide together to help you to get through delivering a eulogy.

Plan Ahead

Planning out your speech in advance is one of the best ways to ensure you get through your eulogy. Public speaking can be challenging, but even more so if you are unprepared. So, write out a few notes, or even the entire piece, at least a few days before the service. This way, you are less likely to freeze up or blank on what you would like to say. Planning ahead also means you will also be able to keep track of how long your speech will take. This is particularly important for time-bound services.

Pace Yourself

When delivering the eulogy, there’s no need to rush through. Instead, speak at a gentle, comfortable pace. This way the congregation will be able to keep up with you and really take in what you are saying. Talking slowly will also enable you to have better control over your breathing, especially if you become emotional when delivering the eulogy. 

Keep Tissues On You

Make sure to keep tissues with you on the day of the funeral. Even if you are not an emotional person, you may find you need them when the time comes to deliver the eulogy. Being prepared with some tissues means you can wipe away any tears or make up which may distract from your speech.


Finally, remember to breathe whilst speaking the eulogy. Steady breathing will help you to stay more composed, and will help you to deliver your speech better. You can also pause and take some deep breaths during your speech if you need to. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you struggle to speak at times, or even cry. Everyone will admire and respect your bravery, and will be proud of you for undertaking such a difficult task.

Friendship & Sons Funeral Directors

Please get in touch with our compassionate team today to discuss our funeral plans and services.